Passage of House Bill 47 Will Allow TRVJPB to Apply for Grant and Loan Funds

Wyoming House Bill 47 was written, in part, to clarify the types of projects that can be considered for Mineral Royalty Grant and Loan funds; it was proposed that subsection 9-4-604 Distribution and use; capital construction projects and bonds; municipal, county and special district purposes be amended to read, “(p) As used in subsection (a) of this section, “essential public service” means a public service facility owned by the applicant and available for use by the general public including: water and sewer projects, storm drainage projects, street and road projects, solid waste disposal projects, local natural gas utility pipelines and distribution systems (partial text).” This is important for the Tongue River Valley Joint Powers Board (JPB) as it will allow the JPB to apply for grant and loan funds for the natural gas pipeline project.

HB 47 passed the Wyoming House of Representatives on February 10, 2014 and the Wyoming Senate on March 3, 2014.

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